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In the Beginning!


In 2007 Glenn Robertson started a small live event production company that provided sound and some lighting for small events, most of them within the local church community. The next year he built a portable stage and purchased a large trailer to move the additional equipment. Each year more equipment was added and by 2017 the inventory included sound, video, lighting, professional staging, a 30’x30’ truss stage roof and a 20’ box truck. His company Sound Effects provided production for many indoor and outdoor events and worked with many nationally recognized recording artists.

Glenn says “The vision for Streetside Ministries evolved as God spoke to me. God’s message was that He had provided all this equipment so that the Gospel Message could be taken to the streets.” God told me “There are many people who still need to hear about my son Jesus. I have given you the knowledge and ability to reach out to them”. He said “Let them know that I love them, that I sacrificed my one and only Son for them. “

The bottom line is that God wanted me to start a street ministry!

© 2019 by Streetside Ministries.

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